Tuesday 16 December 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies Film Response

The Hobbit is a series that I have followed very closely ever since my love of Lord Of The Rings came about. With there being so many unanswered questions in The Lord Of The Rings, I was always confident that The Hobbit would answer my questions and fullfill my urge to put this series to bed, and it did.

With this being the 3rd and final film in the Hobbit/Lord Of The Rings franchise, they didn't hold bad when it came to special effects and over-the-top extravigancy. This film, to sum it up, is just one massive, huuuugggeeee battle sequence; which may sound drab and boring, however... Put this film into context. You've watched Hobbit 1&2, two films that build the pilot line and build tension up to a ridiculous level and then you final watch the 3rd, and all you have is nerdy, lavished and unapologetic action. As someone who is faaar from an action fan, I was surprised that I did enjoy this film so much, but let's face it, It was bad ass!

I don't normally do this but as a musician, I must dedicate at least one paragraph to the music. The music in both Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit is nothing short of a master piece. I am a big Howard Shore fan anyway but the simple way that he uses leit motifs and reoccuring ideas to remind you of a time, or a place is just brilliant. The 'hobbit's theme' with the solo flute is just one simple motif that is used repeated to ease the audience in a sense of familarity. He similarly does this in all the films when Bilbo reminises about the Shire. Howard Shore perfectly pumps up the audience for every battle sequence, but knows exactly how to calm them down afterwards, brilliant!

If I took this film away from the other 2 and looked at it as a singular film, and not part of a trillogy (or even 6 part film series) I'd say that I'm not very impressed by it. I mean, yeah, it is reaaallllyyyy cool, but that can only go so far. Once you accept the awesome-ness of it and get pasted that, there really isn't much to this film at all. However, you can say this about any film that's within a trillogy. Something that Peter Jackson does in nearly every work he works on is to make a film series work as a series, and oh boy does he. Each Lord Of The Ring film is ok, but put them together and you have, a very nerdy, but equally fantastic piece of cinema - and this is watch The Hobbit is. A fantasically, brilliantly nerdy, hyped, ridiculous, hilarious and over-the-top piece of Cinema that will always have a place in every teenager's heart.

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