Friday 12 December 2014

Chungking Express Film Response

Looking back through my normal response, there hasn't really been a film that I've reviewed that I haven't enjoyed in at least one way or another - until now.

I felt that Chungking Express is a film that it's just over lavished with 'hiding meanings' for it's own good. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the meaning and the difference between Hollywood and Chinese cinema but I found this film so difficult to watch. It reminded me of a piece of music that has no idea where it's going so the composer decides of just write thousands of notes in the space of 1 beat to compensate for their lack of structure/ideas. 

The two narrative idea can work very well as a structure, but they need to link, and the connection between each narrative was so vague that I spend so much of the film trying to work out who is who.

It also ruins California Dreamin' - The Mamas & the Papas. It just doesn't stop playing that bloody song and I don't think I could ever watch that again.

However, my confusion and lack of understanding about the film definitely shouldn't put anyone off of watching it. It's a film that's definitely worth watching, I just think it's a love or hate kind of thing. When I watched Wong Kar-Wai's In The Mood For Love, I loved it, so it's his directing style that I have a problem with, I just think it's the over the top narrative and how it seems that the director is completely obsessed and lost in that, to the point where the bare elements of the film don't seem to come through.

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