Monday 24 November 2014

Interstellar Film Response

To cut the introduction fairly short - Interstellar is BRILLIANT.

Firstly, Interstellar isn't quite how it appears in the trailer. It's not quite as 'typical hollywood' as you'd imagine. It's just a visually spectacular experience that has a mind blowing plot. It manipulates how you we perceive science and space whilst keeping the most delicate and innocent story between a man and his daughter. It's so lovely to watch a film where there isn't a 'love interest' and there isn't a whole, boy meets girl blah blah blah, instead it explores the relationship between a parent and his children and very successfully makes it just as, or if not more, interesting as if there was a love interest.

Visually - the film is just spectacular and is such a wonderful experience to watch at the cinema. Although I didn't see it in 3D, It may be another film that successfully and truly uses 3D to it's true potential (as I've said with 'Gravity' which i reviewed this time last year). It appears that the film industry are going back in for the 'cinema experience' but what was so different and brilliant about this film is that, it is a 'cinema experience' with an incredible story!

I don't want to give away any big plot spoilers so I just want to rap this review up and say - It's a fantastic film that I highly recommend! I advise that you take the science part of the film with a pinch of salt as they do touch on subjects that are in reality completely impossible - but totally remarkable. Great film, go watch it, seriously! 

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