Tuesday 6 January 2015

The Theory Of Everything Film Response

Ah yes, The Theory Of Everything... A charming film about, to my surprise, the personal life of Stephen Hawking.

Upon going into the film, I thought there would be more of a direct approach to his working life and all the fantastic thing's he has achieved, instead, I was presented with an adorable little film about his love life, the progress of his illness and his family. The Theory Of Everything truly does depict a story of a remarkable man, but even more so, a remarkable woman. I was someone who knew less than nothing about Jane Hawking before watching this film, but it's safe to say - what an incredible woman. She was someone who stood by Stephen through thick and thin, and by the sounds of it, continues to stand by him. The way Jane is represented is very delicate, accompanied by a great performance from Felicity Jones, an actress whom i've always been a fan of since I saw her in Ricky Gervais' Cemetery Junction. An even more fantastic performance was from Eddie Redmayne, a.k.a "that bloke from Les Mis". The way that he emphases the worsen of Stephen's illness and in the appropriate, but not over the top, way he shows the illness towards the end is incredibly skillful - and will most probably turn out to be an oscar winning performance (or at least nomination).

This film is incredibly thought provoking, especially if you're someone who's in a relationship... I must admit that I spent a lot of the film wondering if I'd be strong enough to be someones 'Jane' if they got a life changing illness. It's a very emotional film that clearly shows that no matter how bad you think things are, you can always get through it. Highly recommended!

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