Monday 24 November 2014

Interstellar Film Response

To cut the introduction fairly short - Interstellar is BRILLIANT.

Firstly, Interstellar isn't quite how it appears in the trailer. It's not quite as 'typical hollywood' as you'd imagine. It's just a visually spectacular experience that has a mind blowing plot. It manipulates how you we perceive science and space whilst keeping the most delicate and innocent story between a man and his daughter. It's so lovely to watch a film where there isn't a 'love interest' and there isn't a whole, boy meets girl blah blah blah, instead it explores the relationship between a parent and his children and very successfully makes it just as, or if not more, interesting as if there was a love interest.

Visually - the film is just spectacular and is such a wonderful experience to watch at the cinema. Although I didn't see it in 3D, It may be another film that successfully and truly uses 3D to it's true potential (as I've said with 'Gravity' which i reviewed this time last year). It appears that the film industry are going back in for the 'cinema experience' but what was so different and brilliant about this film is that, it is a 'cinema experience' with an incredible story!

I don't want to give away any big plot spoilers so I just want to rap this review up and say - It's a fantastic film that I highly recommend! I advise that you take the science part of the film with a pinch of salt as they do touch on subjects that are in reality completely impossible - but totally remarkable. Great film, go watch it, seriously! 

The Imitation Game Film Response

This film is an obvious example of a promising film. A good cast, a good trailer and a good story. Sometimes the clear promise that the film sets up can be mis-leading and leave you disappointed with the outcome, with that being said, I'm happy to say that 'The Imitation Game' did not disappoint.

I felt that this was a very well thought out film that had one clear objective - to tell the story of Alan Turing. As someone who knows very little about the war and even less about the story of how we broke enigma, I found the story incredibly fascinating. I enjoyed how the film wasn't lavished with interesting cinematography, it was simple and to the point - quite a refreshing change.

Before I blabber on about my opinions of the acting, I have to confess that although I like Benedict Cumberbatch, I can't say that I'm his biggest fan. It's not that I neither like nor dislike him as an actor, more... I've never really been too bothered by him. So, my observations on his performance do come from my neutral head. I felt that Benedict Cumerbatch put in a absolutely fantastic performance. He was subtle and carried out the relative obnoxious and also confused young gentleman superbly. However, a performance even better than Cumberbatch's was Keira Knightley's acting style. Once again, Keira Knightley is another actress that I've never been too interested by. When she debuted in Pirates Of The Caribbean, she played a relatively nobody role and had no style in her acting whatsoever. When I saw her recently in a film called 'Begin Again' with Mark Ruffalo, a music themed rom-com, I saw Knightly actual play a character, someone who has something about them with interesting characteristics - and I must add, it changed my opinion of her. In the Imitation Game was see how Keira has grown experience as an actress and how she's beginning to develop this quite lovely style as a character actress. This film is yet another highlight of her performance and I look forward to watching her style develop and change as she gets older.

This film is incredibly enjoyable and wonderfully tells such an interesting, and incredibly tragic, story. It's subtle, to the point and has some brilliant performances from some truly great actors.