Friday 24 January 2014

Georgy Girl (1966) - Film Response

I really did enjoy this film and i can't fully explain why. Maybe just a simple case of i found it really interesting and above everything, extremely surreal. The over-all story line was just ever so slightly, to be blunt about it, mad! And I'm not even 100% sure that i understood what happened. I feel a big contributing factor to the craziness of the film was the soundtrack, with cheesy, American sitcom-like sounds and typical jokey 'walking music' when Joss would walk through the house, It gave the impression that the film was some terrible comedy gone wrong. And yet, as much as i hated the soundtrack, i actually loved how it did accompany the film. I think it connoted Georgie's carefree attitude, but also had serious undertones and the music showed that.

The film took a great approach to the swinging sixties and showing life in reverse, showing a at heart old-fashioned woman trying to adapt to the forever changing sixties. Each film i've seen from the sixties has shown the harsh and realistic qualities of society; in fact the only film I've even known to glorify it was the comedy spoof Austin Powers (1997).

 7.5/10 - I did really enjoy the film, although it's craziness was difficult to get my head around, it took a really interesting approach to society in the sixties which i loved.

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