Monday 16 September 2013

How the character Pinky Brown is devoloped by mise-en-scene in Brighton Rock.

Pinky Brown, main character of Brighton Rock (2010)

Pinky's figure expression throughout the film is quite mysterious, and especially quiet. Pinky doesn't actually say anything in the first 10 minutes of the film. He is perceived as a very dark person, as his entire outfit is black, including his black hair and dark eyes; this continues the theme of him being a mysterious character. Pinky also acts very blunt in some situations, backing up the idea that he's very quiet and also trying to protect his identity, as the collar of his jacket was always up covering his face.

Hard lighting is always on Pinky to enunciate his features, and the camera angle is often looking up at Pinky or close up shots to make him appear bigger then he actually is, giving the impression of a powerful character. As each situation gets more and more serious, lighting begins to cut out, such as, the moment when Pinky is on the pier talking to Rose and secessions of sheet lights cut out as the situation gets more deserving and dark. Pinky is also perceived as a vain character, as his hair is always perfectly brushed back and cares a lot about his appearance.

In the film Pinky is displayed as a dark, mysterious character who cares about his apprentice. He's also very confident in himself, sometimes a little arrogant. This is particularly shown in the camera angles and hard lighting, making him appear very big and powerful.

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